Standard Classic Arcade Game – Standard Gray – 60 in 1


standard customkade with green trim and grey metal side art

standard customkade with green trim and grey metal side art


This is our most popular game cabinet design. It features sleak modern look with flat screen lcd monitor. Old arcade games where so large because of the technology of the day. The large CRT monitors of yesteryear are no longer needed so say goodbye to the big heavy bulky cabinet. The old cabinets where only so large so they could house the old glass “picture tube” monitors of days gone past.


You get the same gameplay with controls at same height of your old favorite classic arcade game but with a more sleek cabinet that doesn’t take up so much space (or doesn’t break your back moving it). Don’t buy a old refurbished game that is still relying on old wiring and parts that are 30 years old. You can enjoy all the classic games you grew up with in one cabinet. Just because cabinet is smaller doesn’t mean any feel of gameplay is different, you have the same viewing angle(or better for some games) while playing the game and your controls are at the same height, you are not hunched over playing this game like some of the  “mini arcade games” being offered elsewhere. We only shrank cabinet to take advantage of todays flat lcdscreen technology that was not available in the 80’s.


This game comes standard with light up buttons and light up joystick that adds to the appeal of game and makes people notice. It is fully wrapped in durable laminated vinyl and comes standard with one coin mechanism.