Tabletop Classic Arcade Game – Horizontal 60 in 1
Is case you are wondering why you see so many arcade game combinations listed as “horizontal” or “vertical” I will explain here. Several of the classic games from the 80’s would have the screen orientation sideways, so basically the same as having your television sitting on its side. Examples of the vertical games are pac man, frogger, donkey kong and others. If you plug the original program for these games into say your television the game would be sideways on your screen. The horizontal classic games have same screen orientation as your television and some examples are Defender, Robotron, Super Mario Brothers and others.
This horizontal tabletop arcade game is loaded with the horizontal games we loved the most. It comes standard with 2 joysticks (because you can’t play robotron with one joystick as second joystick aims your bullets) and 6 buttons for each joystick.